Thursday, 31 January 2008

The Swiss Kitchen Masacre

aka: splattering a whole bottle of blackcurrant diluting juice all
over self and kitchen 8 minutes before the bus was due. Cue India,
running around like a bloody maniac, trying to find some clean clothes.
Made it - just.

It was important to me that I get to Zuerich* before ten, since we
were all meeting at Spruengli*
And since they reputedly sell the best heisse Schoggi** in Zuerich, I
didn't want to be late.

Fortified by what may well be the best hot drink in the whole Kanton, I
was fortified enough to find a bio*** butcher. Take Tram 14 Schaffhauserplatz. Of
course, it was shut for lunch so I had to find a cafe for a coffee while I
was waiting. Not only was this a local butcher like we used to have in
the UK not so many years ago, but the butcher was really patient. He could
speak English but he just waited patiently while I looked in my dictionary
for the right words - if you've never tried to speak a foreign language believe
me when I say it is frustrating when everyone tries to be helpful and
switches automatically to English.

So roast chicken for tea on Saturday (yum). French bread, cheese and olives
for tea tomorrow (cheese and olives in fridge, bread rising and about to go into

But just before I go - hope y'all are ok in the UK - I just saw on the internet
that there has been some pretty rough weather today with more on the way.

* Just in case you don't know, it is the convention to add an 'e' after
a vowel if there is no umlaut available where there should be one used.

** Hot chocolate to you and me.



  1. What, no pics of the massacre? :)

    And a note to your asterisk - there is no umlaut on the English word "Zurich", so no e-adding necessary. If you were writing this post in German, on the other hand...

  2. yep, I am being 'German' whenever I can ;0)
    s to th pictures - I can't connect the camera to this PC, which is a pain

  3. Oh my,this stuff has a tendency to happen ONLY when u are rushing around! Been there,done that and had the t-shirt in the laundry.:)
    back to work now, my chatting times are much reduced,but do say hi when u pop online,i will have time for you,anytime !

  4. SEND US YOUR WEATHER NOW! ITS DESPERATE!! lol The sun did come out today - along with the snow and icy cold wind - are you missing ?

  5. Loving reading about your adventures :)

    Well done you - you're doing great. Hope the meds situation is OK.

    Elaine x

  6. Am guessing at the meaning of "blackcurrant diluting juice" (concentrate?), but am seeing the picture.

    Glad you're settling and finding it to be to your liking!
