Monday, 15 September 2008

Herbst is here.

Yep, there is a definite autumnal feel to the air - almost as if someone has flipped the switch on summer. I always feel a little despondent at this time of year. However, I am hoping that there will at least be some sunny days between now and the spring. The weather in Glasgow is almost unremmitingly grey and wet between October and March and I have high expectations that Swiss winter will be cold but sunny. A girl can hope.

The osteopath that I am seeing has given me a regime for using the PC and for knitting. It's not a lot but it is better than I thought. I really was staring a life of no crafting in the face. It was ugly.

So on that note, my time at the PC has come to the end for now. Here's a picture to remind me that the sun will 'return' next spring.

PS - and while I am thinking gloomy thoughts about world, here is something which would have made me laugh a lot (instead of a little) if it wasn't so pertinent...
Earth to America


  1. Hate to rain on your parade, but Zurich actually gets more inches of rain per year than either London or Seattle. Haven't a clue how it stacks up against Glasgow.

    A bit of good news, we did just get past the month that generally sees more rain than any other! August is the rainiest month in a typical Swiss year, with February a close second.

    Looked that little tidbit up before we moved here so I could try to plan my wardrobe so it would make sense.

  2. Sure, rub it in that we're stuck here in Glasgow in the gloom!

    As you'll see by this map, America isn't listening. Or, rather, the middle bits aren't. The northeast and the west ... are just isolated. Maybe they should secede.

  3. Good luck with your new crafting/PC regime. Will keep fingers crossed that your osteopath can help ease your RSI and get you back to more of the crafting that you love so much (and are so darn good at)!
